Item Reviews for: Oil Pressure Gauge Adaptor - 143943  -  143943
Oil Pressure Gauge Adaptor - 143943
review title:

Works perfectly

By: Mike Percy      Submitted: 23/11/2024

Overall5 out of 5 stars.

Did this item work well with your project? What vehicle type are you using this for? The green oil light on my GT6 was permanently on, so I needed to check the pressure to see if it was just a sensor problem. I had an oil pressure gauge with a female connector, so I needed to find a male:male connector. This did the job perfectly and the tiny fibre washers sealed the sensor port. I was very relieved to get a healthy pressure reading enabling me to fit a new sensor - the oil light now goes out as soon as the engine is started. I’ll be buying a t-connector to enable me to keep both the sensor and the pressure gauge connected.