Part No.: YUE100610

Switch-contact-bonnet burglar alarm - YUE100610 - Genuine MG Rover

Order your Switch-contact-bonnet burglar alarm - YUE100610 - Genuine MG Rover ⛽ Low prices and fast, worldwide delivery ✈ British car experts ♚ Call ☎ 01522 568000 or ☎ 1-855-746-2767

This part may have multiple applications. Please select your car model from below to see specific application information, or click the Add to Cart button to make your purchase.
Rover 75/MG ZT Bonnet, Handbrake, Stop and Cruise Switches 'Rover 75/MG ZT Bonnet, Handbrake, Stop and Cruise Switches' Rover 400/45/MG ZS Burglar Alarm 'Rover 400/45/MG ZS Burglar Alarm' Rover 75 V8/MG ZT260 Bonnet, Handbrake, Stop and Cruise Switches 'Rover 75 V8/MG ZT260 Bonnet, Handbrake, Stop and Cruise Switches'
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Product Description

Switch-contact-bonnet burglar alarm - YUE100610 - Genuine MG Rover

Review: Mark R... Submitted: 15/05/2022

Overall5 out of 5 stars.


Subject bonnet burglar alarm did the job.

Did this item work well with your project? What vehicle type are you using this for?

Rover 75 . Warning lights came on dashboard .Alarm kept going off ....took original switch off it was full of water "...Put new one on Works perfect.thanks rimmer on....

Review: Pieter Stolker Submitted: 12/03/2022

Overall5 out of 5 stars.



How to replace it

Did this item work well with your project? What vehicle type are you using this for?

Rover 75 1.8 Turbo 2005 After replacement, the problems were ended. Very satisfied.
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£10.90 ex VAT£13.08 inc UK VAT
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"I appreciate the wide selection and competitive pricing. As I'm just starting a total restoration of a 1958 TR3A, I'm sure I will be purchasing a lot more in the future." Customer Comment