Triumph TR6 Front Spoiler

Order your Triumph TR6 Front Spoiler ⛽ Low prices and fast, worldwide delivery ✈ British car experts ♚ Call ☎ 01522 568000 or ☎ 1-855-746-2767
Part No.: GRID600412

Prices displayed in:
1972-76 style - may be fitted to earlier cars.

If fitting to a Triumph Stag will need to be trimmed to match the shape of the front valance.
£140.00 ex VAT£168.00 inc UK VAT
1972-76 style - may be fitted to earlier cars.

Originally a TR6 part, when fitting to a Triumph Stag will need to be trimmed to match the shape of the front valance.
Out of stock, expected soon. Add to cart and Back Order
£108.00 ex VAT£129.60 inc UK VAT
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Product Description

Triumph TR6 Front Spoiler