Triumph TR5-250 Rocker Shaft Complete Assembly - 6 Cylinder

Order your Triumph TR5-250 Rocker Shaft Complete Assembly - 6 Cylinder ⛽ Low prices and fast, worldwide delivery ✈ British car experts ♚ Call ☎ 01522 568000 or ☎ 1-855-746-2767
Part No.: GRID200159

Prices displayed in:
Complete, ready to fit, all models.
This assembly is built with reconditioned rocker arms and pedestals.
All other components used are new.
Customer Comments
"Regular customer and it's great to be able to find a good range of parts for our Stag and TR5." Customer Comment
Product Description

Triumph TR5-250 Rocker Shaft Complete Assembly - 6 Cylinder
This assembly is built with reconditioned rocker arms and pedestals.
All other components used are new.