Triumph 2000/2500/2.5Pi Boot Lid and Fittings - Saloon

Order your Triumph 2000/2500/2.5Pi Boot Lid and Fittings - Saloon ⛽ Low prices and fast, worldwide delivery ✈ British car experts ♚ Call ☎ 01522 568000 or ☎ 1-855-746-2767
Part No.: GRID008755

Prices displayed in:
Standard profile seal, if you have difficulty closing the boot lid with this seal try YKC68S instead which has a smaller profile.
In stock
Most express orders ship today!
£15.80 ex VAT£18.96 inc UK VAT
Smaller profile seal which makes it easier to close the boot lid on some vehicles.
In stock
Most express orders ship today!
£19.60 ex VAT£23.52 inc UK VAT
Usually in stock at our supplier, allow 1 week for delivery
£40.00 ex VAT£48.00 inc UK VAT
In stock
Most express orders ship today!
£1.35 ex VAT£1.62 inc UK VAT
In stock
Most express orders ship today!
£0.75 ex VAT£0.90 inc UK VAT
Save money on buying a kit as items purchased individually costs more than the kit.
In stock
Most express orders ship today!
£9.90 ex VAT£11.88 inc UK VAT
In stock
Most express orders ship today!
£3.30 ex VAT£3.96 inc UK VAT
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Product Description

Triumph 2000/2500/2.5Pi Boot Lid and Fittings - Saloon