Item Reviews for: Coil Spring Compressor - RX1328A  -  RX1328A
Coil Spring Compressor - RX1328A
review title:

Worked very well

By: Steve B.      Submitted: 27/10/2024

Overall4 out of 5 stars.

Did this item work well with your project? What vehicle type are you using this for? 1500 Spitfire USA, replaced front shocks/spring and bushings. I couldn't have completed the job without this tool!
review title:

Worked perfectly

By: Charlie      Submitted: 05/02/2024

Overall5 out of 5 stars.

Did this item work well with your project? What vehicle type are you using this for? Previously using the hook type compressors it was always a struggle with the worry that one might fly off. With this unit it is easy should have brought it years ago.
review title:

It works well

By: Aedhasdad      Submitted: 22/09/2023

Overall5 out of 5 stars.

Did this item work well with your project? What vehicle type are you using this for? Was replacing the shocks and bought the claw type spring compressor and they were ok, managed to get the springs off. Could not get the springs on the new shocks and scratched the shocks pretty badly. Eventually bought these, was reluctant as shipping was so expensive due to the weight. Success, not only do they work, they are safer and caused no damage to the shocks, wish I had bought these 1st.
review title:

Perfect to make sure no scratches on new springs

By: Charlie D      Submitted: 25/02/2022

Overall5 out of 5 stars.

Did this item work well with your project? What vehicle type are you using this for? Super easy. Only took a few minutes to do eack shock. 1980 Spitfire