MGF Coil Spring Conversion Kit - RP1205 - Genuine MG Rover
review title:

I have not installed at the moment, but it looks very professional. Delivery service was excellent.

By: David      Submitted: 07/01/2025

Overall5 out of 5 stars.

Did this item work well with your project? What vehicle type are you using this for? It is going to be installed in an 2001 MGF
review title:

Bloody Amazing!

By: Al Wilco      Submitted: 26/05/2022

Overall5 out of 5 stars.

Did this item work well with your project? What vehicle type are you using this for? This kit is an amazing replacement for the old Hydro system. It transformed a bumpy, barely driveable MGF into a lovely little sports car again. Well worth the investment, very very happy with it!
review title:

MGF Item not fitted yet Packing and delivery absolutely perfect

By: Francis22,      Submitted: 18/04/2022

Overall5 out of 5 stars.

Did this item work well with your project? What vehicle type are you using this for? MGF Item not fitted yet Packing and delivery absolutely perfect
review title:

Can you advise if the MGF rear spring displacer can be brought separatly, would require 2 only

By: John Campbell      Submitted: 05/01/2021

Overall5 out of 5 stars.

Did this item work well with your project? What vehicle type are you using this for? Have replaced the hydra gas system 6 years ago how ever the springs have appaerded to loss the ride height, can you advise if rear spring units can be order separterly MGF 1996 Regards John Campbell