Triumph Stag Factory Alloy Road Wheels and Trim - 5 Spoke
review title:

Good quality, a marked improvement on initial design

By: Mal      Submitted: 20/10/2021

Overall5 out of 5 stars.

Did this item work well with your project? What vehicle type are you using this for? 1975 Triumph 2500TC
review title:

Stunning set of wheels for the stag, after 38 years of ownership I got a new set to put on the car ...

By: Andy Pearce      Submitted: 01/04/2021

Overall5 out of 5 stars.

Did this item work well with your project? What vehicle type are you using this for? Stunning set of wheels for the stag, after 38 years of ownership I got a new set to put on the car for when she's restored next year.
review title:

Stainless steel = durability

By: Andy W      Submitted: 04/12/2020

Overall5 out of 5 stars.

Did this item work well with your project? What vehicle type are you using this for? Getting the Stag wheels refurbished, and the existing black mild steel wheel nuts had seen better days. These will look really good on the car, and being stainless steel will be more durable than chrome plated mild steel.