Item Reviews for: Rover 75/MG ZT Rear Door Handles and Latches  -  GRID001787
Rover 75/MG ZT Rear Door Handles and Latches
review title:

Part Worked perfectly

By: Bob Rover Nut.      Submitted: 07/04/2020

Overall5 out of 5 stars.

Did this item work well with your project? What vehicle type are you using this for? Clip-FYC100560 Sill Button Link.06 reg Rover 75 diesel connoisseur. Found it easier to put the clip on the "Button/latch" first and line it up so that when you enter it in the hole in the lock and push it in you can feel the clip entering the lock and another push enters the latch rod and you can feel it properly locking the rod. Remember when removing the door panel to carefully and slowly ease the chrome Escutcheon (EKC100320RIR) up. the bottom legs on them break of easily, This saves removing the lock, as you can feel the hole at the back of the lock with your fingers.