Item Reviews for: Metro Front Upper Arm  -  GRID000413
Metro Front Upper Arm
review title:

Hi, I don't know if this item works as it's not fitted yet, but I'm pretty sure it's all ok.

By: Romain Gaillard      Submitted: 11/01/2021

Overall5 out of 5 stars.

Did this item work well with your project? What vehicle type are you using this for? Hi, I don't know if this item works as it's not fitted yet, but I'm pretty sure it's all ok. My MGF will be very happy I think!!! Many thanks for your very quick answer.
review title:

Conforms to the original product, good value for money.

By: Christophe      Submitted: 03/12/2020

Overall5 out of 5 stars.

Did this item work well with your project? What vehicle type are you using this for? MG F, year 2000