Finisher assembly-backlight lower - DCD107701PMA - Genuine MG Rover
review title:

Rover 75 Rear Windscreen Lower Trim

By: IGH      Submitted: 20/02/2025

Overall5 out of 5 stars.

Did this item work well with your project? What vehicle type are you using this for? Stuck with the dreaded leak into the boot I traced the fault to one of the clips holding this finisher in place. I had a choice, try to reuse a 21 year old part with new clips or try to find the correct trim. As it was old and crusty, a new trim it was. No one else holds stock apart from Rimmers, what made things easier is the trim comes with new clips! Ordering was easy, postage was OK and it arrived in a couple of days. Just need some dry, warmer weather to get it fitted. Thanks Rimmers.