Item Reviews for: Repair kit - Brake Master Cylinder - 519060  -  519060
Repair kit - Brake Master Cylinder - 519060
review title:

you need a small punch

By: Rob Barden      Submitted: 15/10/2024

Overall5 out of 5 stars.

Did this item work well with your project? What vehicle type are you using this for? worth doing yourself. I honed the cylinder bore easy. 19mm hone I didn't have a 2mm punch so couldn't pull the plunger apart. I had to stretch the seals over, not the best get a 2mm punch and do the job yourself. to remove the actual cylinder from car I used a 1/4 inch ratchet with many extensions and a 1/2 inch socket (that would be the only way). maybe the small 2mm pin could be included in the Kit. or is it not damaged if it is pushed out?